Command Description
bns_black_listmesh bns resolve black list
bns_black_list/printprint mesh bns resolve black list
bns_service_confmesh bns resolve endpoint
certsprint certs on machine
clustersupstream cluster status
config_dumpdump current Envoy configs (experimental)
contentiondump current Envoy mutex contention stats (if enabled)
enable/disable the CPU profiler
get_instance_by_servicenaming agent get instance by bns_name
get_service_confnaming agent get service conf by bns_name
cause the server to fail health checks
healthcheck/inbound_statussupport inbound listener health check
cause the server to pass health checks
enable/disable the heap profiler
helpprint out list of admin commands
hot_restart_versionprint the hot restart compatibility version
listenersprint listener info
query/change logging levels
memoryprint current allocation/heap usage
mesh_service_discoverymesh service discovery
pns_service_confmesh pns resolve endpoint
prometheus/block_operateblock or unblock prometheus collection
prometheus/block_stateview the block state of prometheus collection
exit the server
readyprint server state, return 200 if LIVE, otherwise return 503
reset all counters to zero
runtimeprint runtime values
modify runtime values
server_infoprint server version/status information
statsprint server stats
stats/alm_blacklistprint server in blacklist stats in prometheus format
stats/prometheusprint server stats in prometheus format
xds_status_checkmesh xds status check